Procedural By-law One-Year Review
This community survey will provide valuable insights into how residents feel about the current procedural by-law and identify areas for improvement. By gathering feedback on public participation and governance practices, Council can better understand the community's needs and preferences. The information collected will help shape recommendations for amending the by-law, ensuring it fosters greater engagement and makes local government processes more effective and accessible for everyone.
As part of the survey, some demographic information is also being collected. Collecting demographic information in surveys is important because it helps identify patterns and trends among different groups and allows the results to be analyzed by age, gender, location and more.
Notice of Collection:
Personal information collected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) will be used for reviewing the Procedural By-law and will not be used or disclosed for other purposes without consent or as required by law. The information will be retained in accordance with retention policies under By-law 30/2017. Any personal information such as name and address included in a submission from the public may become part of the public record. Questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information should be directed to the Municipality’s Records and Information Management Coordinator at 905.885.4544 x.2200.