Procedural By-law One-Year Review


Every municipality in Ontario has a Procedural By-law that governs how Council and Committee members carry out the business of the municipality. The Port Hope Procedural By-law 60-2023 underwent a comprehensive review in 2023 and was implemented in January 2024. At the one-year mark, staff recommended a scoped review of the new Procedural By-law to determine which aspects were working well, and which aspects could be amended to better facilitate effective meetings. As part of that review, staff committed to monitoring the progress of the procedural changes, including collecting further community feedback and recommending any amendments to Council for their consideration.

What is a Procedural By-law?

The Procedural By-law is a set structure that guides processes for Council and Committee meetings. The By-law outlines: how Council members cast their votes, how late Council meetings can run, conduct for Council, how and when residents can speak at meetings and interact with Council, and how public meetings are communicated to residents.

Why is it important?

The Procedural By-law is important because it:

  • Ensures fairness and consistency in the decision making process
  • Fosters respectful conduct and collaborative approaches to decision making
  • Supports an open, accountable, transparent governance process so that the public, Council and staff understand how decisions are made and what to expect at the meetings

What happens next?

Staff have been collecting public and Council feedback on Procedural By-law 60-2023, which includes the community survey.

Following the review of this information, staff will bring a report to with any recommended changes to the procedural By-law for Council consideration at a Committee of the Whole meeting.

At Committee of the Whole, members of the Public will have an opportunity to ask questions to Council.

A final decision with any recommended changes to the By-law will take place at the following Council Meeting. Members of the public may make a deputation to Council during this meeting if they so wish.

During the review period, members of the public may also contact members of council to provide feedback, or email the clerk.


Every municipality in Ontario has a Procedural By-law that governs how Council and Committee members carry out the business of the municipality. The Port Hope Procedural By-law 60-2023 underwent a comprehensive review in 2023 and was implemented in January 2024. At the one-year mark, staff recommended a scoped review of the new Procedural By-law to determine which aspects were working well, and which aspects could be amended to better facilitate effective meetings. As part of that review, staff committed to monitoring the progress of the procedural changes, including collecting further community feedback and recommending any amendments to Council for their consideration.

What is a Procedural By-law?

The Procedural By-law is a set structure that guides processes for Council and Committee meetings. The By-law outlines: how Council members cast their votes, how late Council meetings can run, conduct for Council, how and when residents can speak at meetings and interact with Council, and how public meetings are communicated to residents.

Why is it important?

The Procedural By-law is important because it:

  • Ensures fairness and consistency in the decision making process
  • Fosters respectful conduct and collaborative approaches to decision making
  • Supports an open, accountable, transparent governance process so that the public, Council and staff understand how decisions are made and what to expect at the meetings

What happens next?

Staff have been collecting public and Council feedback on Procedural By-law 60-2023, which includes the community survey.

Following the review of this information, staff will bring a report to with any recommended changes to the procedural By-law for Council consideration at a Committee of the Whole meeting.

At Committee of the Whole, members of the Public will have an opportunity to ask questions to Council.

A final decision with any recommended changes to the By-law will take place at the following Council Meeting. Members of the public may make a deputation to Council during this meeting if they so wish.

During the review period, members of the public may also contact members of council to provide feedback, or email the clerk.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This community survey will provide valuable insights into how residents feel about the current procedural by-law and identify areas for improvement. By gathering feedback on public participation and governance practices, Council can better understand the community's needs and preferences. The information collected will help shape recommendations for amending the by-law, ensuring it fosters greater engagement and makes local government processes more effective and accessible for everyone. 

    As part of the survey, some demographic information is also being collected.  Collecting demographic information in surveys is important because it helps identify patterns and trends among different groups and allows the results to be analyzed by age, gender, location and more. 

    Notice of Collection:

    Personal information collected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) will be used for reviewing the Procedural By-law and will not be used or disclosed for other purposes without consent or as required by law. The information will be retained in accordance with retention policies under By-law 30/2017. Any personal information such as name and address included in a submission from the public may become part of the public record. Questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information should be directed to the Municipality’s Records and Information Management Coordinator at 905.885.4544 x.2200. 

Page last updated: 11 Nov 2024, 02:30 PM